hosted by Matt, Nik, & Brandon Magill

Where’s R1Gged been, you’re undoubtedly asking yourself right now. Well, it turns out, R1Gged was a lot of work. Additional work besides rolling a handful of dice and telling a story. So while Feckless Momes studio is currently three brothers in three separate locations, we’ve put R1Gged on indefinite hiatus. But, the ball is rolling to get us together to create this awesome content in a more energetically logical way, with much less extraneous effort in regards to the editing and production.

That being said, we have an absolutely awesome replacement cast for you to get you through this trying time. Those goofballs who brought you R1Gged are proud to present Random Encounters! Nik has nearly every D&D monster manual published, so every week is going to be a deep-dive into one randomly chosen monster from a randomly chosen manual. We’ll discuss the merits, weaknesses, how one would use this critter as a DM, and even speculate on how you’d play it as a character.

Be sure to find Feckless Momes’s Random Encounters in your cast catcher of choice and subscribe, so you don’t miss a single monster audibly delivered directly to your earholes.

The Random Idea Generator Cast

Join 2/3 of the brothers Magill every month as they craft a story based on completely random rolls of many dice, pulling details from many tables.

Every week, they bring you a step in the process of randomly creating a story, based on those many rolls of dice and their ability to think on the fly.
Relying on the dice to determine all of the pertinent information in the story, including three separate characters, world building, and even important decisions in the story, they craft a tale utterly unique.

Every month brings a new story arc
Week 1 - Character Creation
Week 2 - World Building
Week 3 - Story Telling
Week 4 - Narrative Conclusion

Join us for adventure, and a fly-by-the-seat-of-our-pants story telling experience.
